Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First Post

It's amazing to think that I've survived three weeks of grueling Physics work. I enrolled in AP Physics B knowing that it would be one of the most demanding class that I will ever take in my high school career and for the past three weeks, the class has done a tremendous job of proving me right. Nonetheless, despite the obstacles, I find that I definitely enjoy Physics a lot better than Chemistry (the horrendous memories still haunt me). The tests and quizzes are definitely a challenge for me and I don't' feel like I'm fully prepared for the tests. The labs, my lab group, and the class in general help me understand the Physics concepts a lot better than just relying on the black words in the book / computer. I'm excited to learn more about Physics but at the same time I'm slightly terrified at the pressure of time and the pace of the class. Like the image above, I have very mixed feelings about Physics and everything is a little blurry for me. Hopefully, as weeks go by, the image assumes a shape instead of a void of wildly arrayed dots.

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